Kamala Harris pledges inclusive leadership, plans GOP cabinet pick

Kamala Harris and Tim Walz, Democratic candidates for the White House
Kamala Harris and Tim Walz, Democratic candidates for the White House
Images source: © Getty Images | Amy Lemus, NurPhoto
Marta Bellon

10:24 AM EDT, August 30, 2024

Kamala Harris and Tim Walz gave their first television interview as Democratic candidates for the position of President and Vice President of the United States. Harris announced that if she wins the election, she will appoint a Republican politician to her cabinet. She also spoke about the controversial extraction of resources and Gaza.

Vice President of the USA Kamala Harris and Minnesota Governor Tim Walz, who will jointly vie for Americans' votes in the November presidential election, gave their first interview after receiving the party nomination on CNN.

Harris announced that as President of the USA:

  • she will sign a bipartisan bill crafted in Congress introducing immigration and asylum restrictions,
  • on the first day of her presidency, she will begin implementing an economic plan to reduce the cost of basic goods, increase investments in small businesses, and increase child tax credits,
  • she declared that she does not intend to change the United States' policy towards Israel,
  • she announced that she will appoint a Republican politician to her cabinet.
  • Kamala Harris answers tough questions

    Harris was asked about several issues on which she has changed her stance since the 2020 campaign, including the ban on extracting shale oil and gas through the highly controversial method of fracking. This is a particularly important issue for the economy in the key state of Pennsylvania.

    She also had to answer questions about her approach to immigration and securing the southern border of the United States. She emphasized that her values remain the same, though she has traveled extensively around the country and thinks it's crucial to reach consensus and develop a shared approach to effectively addressing issues.

    Immigration and inflation

    The Vice President emphasized that combating the climate crisis is still important to her. She pointed to the Inflation Reduction Act passed during her term, which is a historic act containing a list of investments aimed at achieving the country's energy transformation.

    Speaking about immigration, Harris—who supported the "decriminalization of the border" during one of the 2020 election debates—said that laws must be enforced and that as California's Attorney General, she fought against border crime. She announced that when the bipartisan bill crafted in Congress introducing immigration and asylum restrictions reaches her desk, she will sign it immediately.

    The Democratic candidate admitted that there is still much to be done to reduce inflation. She announced that on the first day of her presidency, she would begin implementing her economic plan to reduce the cost of basic goods, invest in small businesses, and increase child tax credits.

    She defended President Joe Biden's achievements: record investments in infrastructure, industrial expansion, and strengthening and enlarging NATO. She also defended the administration's economic achievements, including the reduction of insulin and other prescription drug prices.

    Israel and Gaza. Harris makes a declaration

    When asked if she intends to change the policy towards Israel, as the progressive wing of the Democrats demands, Harris replied "no." She stressed that the top priority should be securing a ceasefire and freeing the hostages, as this would not only be the morally right step to end the war but would also pave the way for further necessary actions. These actions include working towards a resolution of the conflict through a two-state solution, ensuring safety for Israel while also providing Palestinians with security, self-determination, and dignity.

    Harris stated that she is seeking the position because she believes she is the most qualified candidate to serve all Americans, regardless of their race or gender. She also announced that if elected President, she will appoint a Republican politician to her cabinet because she values people with different views and experiences.

    Standing next to Harris, Walz answered questions related to controversies about his misleading statements regarding his military service and a DUI ticket. The Minnesota Governor said that "he is speaking passionately" when he talks about fighting school shootings. He explained his statement by comparing rifles used by massacre' perpetrators to "war weapons" he carried during his service. Walz served 24 years in the National Guard but was never deployed to war.

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