Putin suggests China, India, Brazil as mediators in Ukraine talks

Vladimir Putin spoke about peace talks with Ukraine.
Vladimir Putin spoke about peace talks with Ukraine.
Justyna Lasota-Krawczyk

12:11 PM EDT, September 5, 2024

Russian dictator Vladimir Putin stated on Thursday that China, India, and Brazil could be mediators in talks between Russia and Ukraine, according to Reuters.

Many pieces of information provided by Russian media or government representatives are elements of propaganda. Such reports are part of the information war conducted by the Russian Federation.

According to Putin, the basis for the talks could be the negotiations between Russia and Ukraine in Istanbul in the first weeks of the war in 2022.

Putin on the agreement: "They did not allow Ukraine"

Are we ready to negotiate with them? We never refused, but not based on some ephemeral demands, but on the basis of documents that were agreed and actually initialed in Istanbul, said Putin.

In Istanbul, an agreement with Kyiv was possible. Russian President Vladimir Putin said the Ukrainian side was satisfied with the agreements reached but was ordered not to, at the plenary session of the Eastern Economic Forum.

We managed to reach an agreement; that's the whole trick. The signature of the head of the Ukrainian delegation who initialed this document proves it. Still, among the elites of the United States, Europe, and some European countries, a desire for a strategic defeat of Russia arose, added the dictator, quoted by Ria Novosti.

Putin also blames Kyiv for the lack of agreement. In his opinion, the authorities are ready to "fight to the last Ukrainian." Putin also believes that the conscription age in Ukraine will be lowered until "children are sent to the front."

Chance for mediation? He pointed to three countries

Vladimir Putin also indicated which countries, in his opinion, could help achieve an agreement between Russia and Ukraine.

We respect our friends and partners who, I believe, are genuinely interested in resolving all issues related to this conflict. These are primarily the People's Republic of China, Brazil, India. I am in constant contact with our partners in this matter. I have no doubt that the leaders of these countries, with whom we share trust, are sincerely trying to help clarify all the details of this complex process, said the dictator.

Source: Reuters, Ria Novosti

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