Russian senator pushes for ban on controversial furry subculture
The furry movement is enjoying steadily growing popularity. People worldwide invest in costumes that allow them to "transform" into animals. However, not everyone is a fan. A Russian senator wants a ban on the furry subculture.
Colorful foxes, dragons, lizards, realistic dogs. The furry movement is slowly becoming a powerhouse in the subculture category. The most dedicated spend tens of thousands of dollars on costumes to ensure they meet the wearer's demands. These distinctive "animals" organize special events where they can spend time together and exchange insights about being furry. However, this harmless entertainment does not appeal to everyone. Critics of the movement believe that people dressing up as animals suffer from mental illnesses. One Russian senator took her criticism a step further.
Does a Russian senator want to ban quadrovers?
Senator of the Federation Council of Russia, Natalia Kosichina, wants to combat people dressing up as animals. The politician believes the "quadrovers" movement is dangerous because it harms the human psyche. Kosichina adds that the subculture of people dressing up as animals can lead to tragic consequences. Why?
Natalia Kosichina reports that quadrovers move on all fours and bark in public places. Subculture members do not invest in full-body costumes like furries; instead, they focus on masks and gloves. Their activities mainly involve sports that resemble animal movements. Their behavior scares passersby. She adds that members of the subculture sometimes attack passersby, lunging at them and biting. The behavior of quadrovers thus goes beyond the interest circle of those involved in the movement, violating the well-being of ordinary citizens. The senator told "RIA Novosti": "These forms of subculture, in this case, quadrovers, which not only harm the psyche but can lead to tragic consequences, should be banned."
The politician believes that children and adolescents should be redirected toward self-development and sports. In this way, they can find a place where they can make friends and develop their skills without posing a threat to others.