ConflictsUkrainian forces capture advanced Russian spy drones using FPV units

Ukrainian forces capture advanced Russian spy drones using FPV units

View from the drone's camera on one of the Russian unmanned aerial vehicles - illustrative photo
View from the drone's camera on one of the Russian unmanned aerial vehicles - illustrative photo
Images source: © platforma x

7:09 AM EDT, September 12, 2024

Ukrainian armed forces managed to capture many rare Russian Merlin-VR spy drones using inexpensive FPV drones, reports Defense Blog. The actions of the Ukrainians were captured on recordings, and their impact can be seen on social media. The Russians used the Merlin-VR drones for advanced reconnaissance, so their loss could significantly affect their capabilities in this area. What else is known about the Merlin-VR drones?

Numerous recordings confirmed the neutralization of the Russian Merlin-VR spy drones. They show Ukrainians using FPV (First-Person View) drones to strike unmanned aerial vehicles. The materials confirm the effectiveness of using inexpensive devices during combat, which, with small modifications, especially the addition of combat payloads, turn into dangerous "kamikaze" loitering munitions.

Russian Merlin-VR drones

Merlin-VR are unmanned aerial vehicles that the Russians have been using since 2021. The Defense Blog service points out that the devices are considered one of the most advanced Russian unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), so their loss can be significant. Especially since, according to the so-called white intelligence analysts from the Oryx group, since February 2022, the start of the war in Ukraine, the Russians have lost only two Merlin-VR drones. However, losses may be higher as Oryx only accounts for visually confirmed equipment losses in its estimates.

The Russian Research Institute of Modern Telecommunication Technologies (SRI STT) created the Merlin-VR drones. After their first presentation in 2021, Russian propaganda presented the devices as a "unique solution" and a "technological breakthrough." This was due to the use of a "hybrid" propulsion system in the drones. Available information indicates that the drone can operate at altitudes of up to 16,500 feet, carrying loads of up to 14 pounds and flying continuously for 10 hours.

After capturing the first Merlin-VR reconnaissance drones in 2022, experts reported that they could find Western components in them, showing that Russia circumvents sanctions. At the beginning of 2023, the Defense Express service reported, among other things, a French Lynred (Ulis) PICO1024 thermal imaging matrix, Israeli-made lenses, and several Chinese components.

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